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CWNP CWISA-102 Exam Questions - Navigate Your Path to Success

The CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator Exam (CWISA-102) exam is a good choice and if the candidate manages to pass CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator Exam, he/she will earn CWNP Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator Certification. Below are some essential facts for CWNP CWISA-102 exam candidates:

  • TrendyCerts offers 67 Questions that are based on actual CWNP CWISA-102 syllabus.
  • Our CWNP CWISA-102 Exam Practice Questions were last updated on: Mar 03, 2025

Sample Questions for CWNP CWISA-102 Exam Preparation

Question 1

You are performing an implementation for a cloud-based wireless solution. How is connectivity to the cloud established? (Choose the single best answer.)

Correct : B

Cloud Connectivity Relies on IP:Most cloud-based services operate via the internet, which utilizes Internet Protocol (IP) at Layer 3 of the network model.

Flexibility:Various Layer 2 technologies (Ethernet, Wi-Fi) can connect to a Layer 3 network that ultimately provides Internet access

BLE Exception:Bluetooth Low Energycanhave cloud connectivity, but often through gateways and not as a direct Layer 2 connection.

Eliminating Incorrect Options:IPX/SPX is an outdated protocol, and cellular is only one possible way to achieve Internet access.


OSI Model:Descriptions of Network Layers, especially Layer 2 (Data Link) and Layer 3 (Network).

Cloud Architecture:Diagrams showing how devices commonly access cloud resources through internet-based infrastructures.

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Question 2

What statement best describes the difference between authentication and authorization?

Correct : C

Authentication:Verifying 'who' the user or device is (e.g., via passwords, certificates).

Authorization:Controlling 'what' a user or device can do once authenticated (e.g., read-only vs. read/write permissions).

Combined for Security:Both are essential. Authentication alone doesn't control access levels, and authorization without verification is meaningless.


Identity and Access Management (IAM):Articles and resources outlining the core principles of authentication and authorization.

Cybersecurity Best Practices:Guides on securing systems will often emphasize the need for both authentication and authorization controls.

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