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Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 Exam Questions - Navigate Your Path to Success

The Dell EMC Dell XtremIO Design Achievement (D-XTR-DS-A-24) exam is a good choice and if the candidate manages to pass Dell EMC Dell XtremIO Design Achievement exam, he/she will earn Dell EMC XtremIO Design Certification. Below are some essential facts for Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 exam candidates:

  • In actual Dell EMC Dell XtremIO Design Achievement (D-XTR-DS-A-24) exam, a candidate can expect 60 Questions and the officially allowed time is expected to be around 90 Minutes.
  • TrendyCerts offers 60 Questions that are based on actual Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 syllabus.
  • Our Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 Exam Practice Questions were last updated on: Feb 28, 2025

Sample Questions for Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 Exam Preparation

Question 1

An XtremlO administrator wants to understand the I/O transfer process. What are the parts of a typical I/O transfer?

Correct : C

A typical I/O transfer involves several components that work together to ensure data is correctly sent and received. These components include:

Protocol: This defines the rules for how data is transmitted between devices. It ensures that the sender and receiver are using a common language and standards.

Header: The header contains metadata about the data being transferred, such as source and destination addresses, error checking codes, and sequencing information.

Data: This is the actual payload or information that is being transferred.

Handshaking: This part of the process involves the exchange of control messages before the actual data transfer begins. It establishes the parameters of the communication channel and confirms that both sender and receiver are ready for the transfer.

These components are essential for the successful completion of an I/O transfer, ensuring that data is accurately and reliably transmitted from one point to another.

The Dell XtremIO Design documents provide a detailed understanding of the product features, functionality, use cases, and configurations, which includes the I/O transfer process as a fundamental aspect of storage array operations1.

Additional resources on I/O transfer processes can be found in the support documentation for the XtremIO Family on Dell's official website2.


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Question 2

A customer is adding a new volume to their XtremlO environment using the RESTful API. When attempting to create the volume, a response code of 400 is returned. What is the

cause of this response code?

Correct : C

A response code of 400 in the context of RESTful API operations generally indicates that the request made by the client was malformed or contains a syntax error. This means that the data stream sent by the client to the server did not follow the rules as defined by the API specification. It could be due to various reasons such as incorrect request format, missing required parameters, or invalid parameter values1.

In the case of the Dell XtremIO environment, if a customer receives a 400 response code when attempting to create a volume via the RESTful API, it is likely due to a syntax error in the API command. The customer should review the API request to ensure that it conforms to the expected format and includes all necessary information as per the XtremIO API documentation2.

Community discussions on the Dell Technologies website where similar issues have been addressed and the cause of the 400 error was identified as a syntax error in the RESTful API command2.

General information about the meaning of a 400 Bad Request error in REST APIs, which supports the conclusion that a syntax error is the cause1.


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Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24