Correct : C
Scenario Overview:
The administrator needs to store attributes for valves (e.g., color, model, and size).
Pick lists must display only valid combinations of these attributes.
Why Contingent Values?
Contingent values allow geodatabases to enforce specific, dependent attribute combinations.
For example, if certain sizes are only valid for specific models and colors, contingent values ensure only permitted combinations are displayed in pick lists.
(ArcGIS Documentation: Contingent Values)
How Contingent Values Work:
Attribute domains are defined for individual fields (e.g., color, model, size).
Contingent value rules are configured to establish relationships between the fields, restricting invalid combinations.
When editing data, pick lists dynamically adjust based on contingent value rules, showing only valid options.
Alternative Options:
Option A: Domains
Attribute domains enforce constraints on individual fields but cannot define dependencies between fields.
Option B: Subtypes with domains
Subtypes group features into categories with distinct domain rules but do not support interdependent attribute combinations.
Thus, contingent values are the appropriate geodatabase capability to configure pick lists for valid attribute combinations.
Options Selected by Other Users: