Correct : B
The code snippets that you have sent are defining four different functions in Python. A function is a block of code that performs a specific task and can be reused in the program. A function can take zero or more arguments, which are values that are passed to the function when it is called. A function can also return a value or None, which is the default return value in Python.
To define a function in Python, you use the def keyword, followed by the name of the function and parentheses. Inside the parentheses, you can specify the names of the parameters that the function will accept. After the parentheses, you use a colon and then indent the code block that contains the statements of the function. For example:
def function_name(parameter1, parameter2): # statements of the function return value
To call a function in Python, you use the name of the function followed by parentheses. Inside the parentheses, you can pass the values for the arguments that the function expects. The number and order of the arguments must match the number and order of the parameters in the function definition, unless you use keyword arguments or default values. For example:
function_name(argument1, argument2)
The code snippets that you have sent are as follows:
A) def my_function(): print(''Hello'')
B) def my_function(a, b): return a + b
C) def my_function(a, b, c): return a * b * c
D) def my_function(a, b=0): return a - b
The question is asking which of these functions can be invoked with two arguments. This means that the function must have two parameters in its definition, or one parameter with a default value and one without. The default value is a value that is assigned to a parameter if no argument is given for it when the function is called. For example, in option D, the parameter b has a default value of 0, so the function can be called with one or two arguments.
The only option that meets this criterion is option B. The function in option B has two parameters, a and b, and returns the sum of them. This function can be invoked with two arguments, such as my_function(2, 3), which will return 5.
The other options cannot be invoked with two arguments. Option A has no parameters, so it can only be called with no arguments, such as my_function(), which will print ''Hello''. Option C has three parameters, a, b, and c, and returns the product of them. This function can only be called with three arguments, such as my_function(2, 3, 4), which will return 24. Option D has one parameter with a default value, b, and one without, a, and returns the difference of them. This function can be called with one or two arguments, such as my_function(2) or my_function(2, 3), which will return 2 or -1, respectively.
Therefore, the correct answer is B. Option B.
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